This study investigates the relationship between personality and writing style and content. You will be asked to fill out a series of personality questionnaires and

Tal Yarkoni, Simine Vazire

Washington University in St. Louis

November 22nd 2008 - January 22nd 2009

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Die Studie befasst sich mit der Struktur der menschlichen Persönlichkeit. Selbsteinschätzungen und verschiedene wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen sind zu bearbeiten. Die Untersuchung dauert ca. 20 Minuten. Teilnehmer

Ingo Zettler & Benjamin Hilbig

RWTH Aachen University & University of Mannheim

August 11th 2008 - October 11th 2008

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This study seeking to investigate the link between specific personality traits, social skills and the use of certain social behaviours (both positive and negative).

Gemma Warren & Jane Clarbour

University of York

August 4th 2008 - October 4th 2008

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This web-based study is designed to understand more deeply which persons prefer what type of relationships, ranging from brief sexual encounters to ever-lasting committed long-term

Sascha Schwarz

Dept. of Social Psychology, University of Wuppertal

July 25th 2008 - September 25th 2008

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Dies ist eine Online-Studie, durch die ein tieferes Verständnis dafür erlangt werden soll, welche Personen welche Beziehungsformen bevorzugen, angefangen von kurzfristigen sexuellen Abenteuern bis zu

Sascha Schwarz

Abteilung für Sozialpsychologie, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

July 25th 2008 - September 25th 2008

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You are invited to participate in a study of the attribution of sexual orientation. The researchers wish to find out what characteristics are relevant when

Zlatko Spralja

July 23rd 2008 - September 23rd 2008

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Das Erleben vom "Eintauchen" in mediale Welten (z.B. während des Sportschauens) korrespondiert offenbar mit individuellen Persönlichkeitseigenschaften. Durch Ihre Teilnahme an der Befragung helfen Sie mir

F. Schmitz

Universität Bern

June 16th 2008 - August 16th 2008

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How and why people vary in attitudes toward children and decisions about having children.

Gary Brase & Jeremy Litrell

Kansas State University

May 31st 2008 - July 31st 2008

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What makes people feel genuine and real (as opposed to inauthentic and false)? What is the nature of that experience? We'd like to learn from

Alison Lenton, Martin Bruder, Constantine Sedikides

University of Edinburgh

May 20th 2008 - July 20th 2008

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This study examines responses to positive and negative events in everyday life. Individual feedback is provided.

Richard W. Robins and Ulrich Orth

University of California, Davis

May 7th 2008 - July 7th 2008

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